
Art Director or Tesco Checkout Supervisor?

Art direction plays a major part in the pre-birth of a game. An art director has the power to completely change the feel and look of a game within minutes. With this power comes great responsibility. The art director must be skilled in the fields of art, leadership, and decision-making. For there words are gospel, and there skill is unmatched.
Art directors work extremely closely with the artists and creative directors to ensure the game or film meets a high standard of visual completion with a tight time budget. They must ensure the visual aesthetic of the game or film stays in context with the rest of the design. Meaning that whatever art is applied to the game in on the same wavelength.
The experience needed for an art direction job just shows the kind of responsibilities the art director has. Looking at the job spec for Star Trek Online, it is clear to anyone, that to become an accomplished art director you need skill and talent, period. Here is a quick round up of some of the major skills required:
Previously lead/concept artist job
5 or more years in the game industry
Passion for games
Game engine and 3D program experience
Photoshop experience
It’s a job I’d aim for, almost the crème del a crème of entertainment art. Getting there will be an extreme challenge. Time, dedication and sacrifice are needed. Or I could just apply for a job at Tesco.

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