

Hi. Thanks for checking my work out. I have a new website with all my new work on, so feel free to take a look.




New book cover and warrior sketch

Here's a new cover for the sci-fi author M. R. Forbes. The second of the series. Here's a link to his amazon page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/M.R.-Forbes/e/B00BBX2184

Here's a character I'm currently working on. I'll be uploading in stage as I go so stay tuned.


New Book Cover - Muses of the Republic

Hi guys. Here's some new artwork for a book written by Rob Steiner called Muses of the Republic. It's the 3rd in the series, but another artist did the first 2. The story sounds really cool, so make sure you give it a read when it's released.



Hyperion Team

Here's a new piece I've been working on recently. It's for a new RPG game currently in development. There's no official name/site yet, but I'll keep you updated as the project grows. Here's a brief description of the image. I hope you like it. More updates soon :)

"The scout team is called "Hyperion Team", with teams sporting the personal name given to their Tyrannosaur, and they're part of the Ogre Cannon Corps, named after the Ogre 90mm Folding Cannon. The weapon earned its name as much for its fearsome performance, as for its reputation for being difficult for field engineers to move around and work on. The weapon itself was developed directly in response to a need for a large and powerful theropod portable sniper cannon which allowed the animal to maintain mobility and balance, as an offensive response to pirate incursions along coastal outposts. Hyperion and her crew were personally part of the original beach sweeping operations to stop pirate landing craft from being able to retreat off shore, and they wear their armor with all its battle scars proudly."



An image done for Annie Bellet's Goodnight Apocalypse.

They Came from Hell

Hi Everyone. I've been busy with lots of freelance work so I've not had much time for personal work recently. I thought I'd start a mini series of monsters. I'm not used to painting creatures, so it'll be good practice. I hope you like it.



Kiril Solider sculpt, paint and render

Hi guys.

I'm trying to get back into ZBrush to help me with all aspects of my work. Lighting, poses and quick creature concepts mainly. Here's something I've been working on after getting the latest ZBrush update and Keyshot. Keyshot is amazing. So quick and easy to use, and the results are great. I sculpted this bust in ZBrush, then poly painted it. I then rendered off multiple passes in Keyshot and compositing them in Photoshop. I watched one of Dominic Qwek's tutorials, and it was so helpful, I'd definitely recommend it. You can find a link to it here:


I hope you like. I'll definitely be doing more images like this. 



New book cover trilogy - Chronicles of White World

Hi Guys.

Another cover, and the first of 3. I've painted the other two, but I can't reveal them until they're released.

The trilogy is called Chronicles of White World and is written by M. Terry Green.

You can get the first novel here:


I hope you like it.

Thanks for looking.

The Grove Cover

Hi guys. Here's a new book cover painted for Jennifer Wells. A link to the e-book can be found here:


I hope you like it.

I'll be posting some more work soon so stay tuned.



Pirate Captain Vader

This was done for the Brainstorm Facebook group. I had to re-design Darth Vader, so I decided to do a pirate captain. I took influences from Chinese armour.


Recent or forgotten work

In an attempt to keep my blog up-to date, I thought I should upload some recent work I simply forgot to upload. I hope you enjoy viewing.



Obsidian Worlds RPG Character Work

Happy new year! I'm now a full-time freelancer, so I thought I'd post some character work I did for an RPG project called Obsidian World to start things off. I was tasked with designing and illustrating the 12 classes of the world. It was very enjoyable, and I learnt a lot about painting and designing characters from it. So much so, that I've changed the way I create characters now. 

Here's a link to the RPG's website: www.obsidianworld.com

Thanks for looking. I'll try and keep the blog a bit more up to date, and with lots of new work.



Dark Age: The Awakening Cover

For my personal project: Dark Age


Dark Age Demon Warrior

A demon warrior for my personal project: Dark Age


Summoner - Dark Age

Just something I've been working on for my personal project: Dark Age. I hope you like it.


Some recent and fairly recent work I forgot to upload

Hi guys. Been very busy with work and a few freelance projects, so I haven't found much time to do personal work and upload it. Here are some recent paintings I forgot to share. Thanks for looking.


My first published artwork

I recently painted a piece for a book called The Fantasy Illustration Library - Lands and Legends. I had a choice of a lot of different subjects, so I chose The Grim Reaper. Here's the result:

Here are a few shots of the book itself:

The book has limited copies, so if you want one, you can go here:

I hope you like the painting. Thanks for looking!

The Archive
